Our Governors
Governors (ID 1104)
Mrs Jo WoodheadChair of Governors, Foundation Governor, Safeguarding Governor
Mrs Jo Woodhead
Roles and Responsibilities: Safeguarding / Children Looked After / RE and Sacramental Preperation / Wellbeing
I am a foundation governor here at Sacred Heart. I am a former primary school teacher and head teacher, I therefore have extensive experience of working in catholic schools. In more recent times I have become a volunteer for CAFOD providing assemblies and workshops in all the deanery catholic schools- a role I thoroughly enjoy and which helped form my relationship with the school. I have a passion for high quality, meaningful catholic education; which I believe Sacred Heart provides and I am both proud and delighted to be part of the team!
Term of office - 14.07.21 to 13.07.25
Mrs Sarah BinnsVice Chair of Governors, Parent Governor
Mrs Sarah Binns
Roles and Responsibilities: SEND / Inclusion
Subject Links: Humanities, Arts and DT
Term of office - 01.03.20 to 28.02.24
Mrs Alex Hudson-CrookHeadteacher
Mrs Alex Hudson-Crook
Father Malachy LarkinFoundation Governor
Father Malachy Larkin
Roles and Responsibilities: RE and Sacramental Preperation / Maths
Appointed Parish Priest of Sacred Heart and St Patricks in 2015. Appointed Parish Priest of The Good Shepherd, 2016.
Term of office - 01.06.19 to 31.08.23
Mrs Colette ShortStaff Governor
Mrs Colette Short
Roles and Responsibilities: Pupil Premium
Term of office - 28.11.20 to 27.11.24
Ms Karen GreenClerk to the Governors
Ms Karen Green
Mrs Gill FoyFoundation Governor
Mrs Gill Foy
I am a Foundation Governor here at Sacred Heart. I am a retired, primary school teacher and I taught, for several years, in a Catholic school so I am fully aware of the rewards and challenges that this may bring. I began my working career with Barclays Bank before training to be a teacher. I have a particular interest in maths and, I will admit, it was my favourite subject to teach in school.
I am really enjoying my role at Sacred Heart and being part of a great team. I hope that my experience and skills are useful in providing help and support as the school moves forward.
Term of office - 02.03.23 to 01.03.27
Adrian FinnFoundation Governor
Adrian Finn
Term of office - 09.03.23 to 08.03.27
We currently have 1 Foundation Governor Vacancy.
If you are interested in becoming a Foundation Governor, please speak to the Headteacher.