Our Governors
Governors (ID 1104)
Mrs Jo WoodheadChair of Governors, Foundation Governor, Safeguarding Governor
Mrs Jo Woodhead
Roles and Responsibilities: Safeguarding / Children Looked After / RE and Sacramental Preperation / Wellbeing
I am a foundation governor here at Sacred Heart. I am a former primary school teacher and head teacher, I therefore have extensive experience of working in catholic schools. In more recent times I have become a volunteer for CAFOD providing assemblies and workshops in all the deanery catholic schools- a role I thoroughly enjoy and which helped form my relationship with the school. I have a passion for high quality, meaningful catholic education; which I believe Sacred Heart provides and I am both proud and delighted to be part of the team!
Term of office - 14.07.21 to 13.07.25
Mrs Sarah BinnsVice Chair of Governors, Parent Governor
Mrs Sarah Binns
Roles and Responsibilities: SEND / Inclusion
Subject Links: Humanities, Arts and DT
Term of office - 01.03.20 to 28.02.24
Mrs Sue McManaminHeadteacher
Mrs Sue McManamin
Mrs Patricia StablerFoundation Governor
Mrs Patricia Stabler
Subject Link: Reading and Writing
I have been a Governor of Sacred Heart for almost eight years, and I continue to find it interesting and rewarding, and very challenging at times. My previous work experience has been within the public sector and always focussed on providing an excellent level of customer service. Â I have a passion for reading and volunteer reading with the children on a weekly basis. Â I am very proud of the library at school and the support received from the Parish in updating it.
I have specific LINK responsibility for English and work closely with the English Lead as well as all the staff to support the school to ensure we improve as a whole year on year.
In addition I am also a director of the Blessed Peter Snow Multi-Academy Trust Board.
Term of office - 16.10.22 to 15.10.26
Father Malachy LarkinFoundation Governor
Father Malachy Larkin
Roles and Responsibilities: RE and Sacramental Preperation / Maths
Appointed Parish Priest of Sacred Heart and St Patricks in 2015. Appointed Parish Priest of The Good Shepherd, 2016.
Term of office - 01.06.19 to 31.08.23
Mrs Colette ShortStaff Governor
Mrs Colette Short
Roles and Responsibilities: Pupil Premium
Term of office - 28.11.20 to 27.11.24
Mrs Liz HinchliffeClerk to the Governors
Mrs Liz Hinchliffe
Mrs Gill FoyFoundation Governor
Mrs Gill Foy
I am a Foundation Governor here at Sacred Heart. I am a retired, primary school teacher and I taught, for several years, in a Catholic school so I am fully aware of the rewards and challenges that this may bring. I began my working career with Barclays Bank before training to be a teacher. I have a particular interest in maths and, I will admit, it was my favourite subject to teach in school.
I am really enjoying my role at Sacred Heart and being part of a great team. I hope that my experience and skills are useful in providing help and support as the school moves forward.
Term of office - 02.03.23 to 01.03.27
Adrian FinnFoundation Governor
Adrian Finn
Term of office - 09.03.23 to 08.03.27
We currently have 1 Foundation Governor Vacancy.
If you are interested in becoming a Foundation Governor, please speak to the Headteacher Mrs McManamin.
Academy Councillors who have left in the past 12 months:
Clerk to Governors: Liz Hinchliffe
Name | Position | Name of organisation | Nature of interest | Date interest was registered | Date interest ceased | Notes |
Sarah Binns | Parent Governor | None to declare | ||||
Adrian Finn | Foundation Governor | None to declare | 24/09/23 | |||
Gill Foy | Foundation Governor | None to declare | 18/09/23 | |||
Father Malachy Larkin |
Foundation Governor |
None to declare | 20/09/23 | |||
Colette Short | Staff Governor | None to declare | ||||
Jo Woodhead | Foundation Governor |
None to declare | 02/10/23 | |||
Sue McManamin | Headteacher | None to declare | 17/10/23 | |||
Karen Green | Clerk | None to declare | 17/10/23 | |||
Patricia Stabler | Foundation Governor |
None to declare | 25/09/23 |